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John Deere equipment, 2019

Tilling Together:

The John Deere Dealership

When most brand companies compete with local businesses, Roseboom’s John Deere Dealership worked so well with the community the nearby road was named for it. Buying farming equipment and machinery costs lots of money and travel. At times, many farmers bought equipment together to share and help each other with work.


Local businessman Ed Murdock took over his family-in-law’s saw mill and it became the John Deere Dealership, which he ran with Ray West until West became the sole owner. The dealership  made it easier for local farmers to “walk down the street and get parts or service or whatever [they] needed.” Although the original building burned to the ground in 1952, the road’s name sticks.


John Deere Road, 2019

“We had farm equipment

that was John Deere,

so it was kind of unique that

we had a dealership right next

to the farm and everything.

You could just walk down

the street and get parts or service or whatever you needed.”



Jack VanBuren, 2018


Do you remember the John Deere Store? “Till” us “mower” in the Forum

Hear more about the John Deere shop in Roseboom from Jack VanBuren

John Deere DealershipJack VanBuren
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